Saturday, May 02, 2020



Roburins do something very specific in your body. They keep your mitochondria healthy.
You might have heard of mitochondria before. They’re tiny organs inside every single one of your cells.
But even though mitochondria are microscopic, they’re crucial for your good health.
A famous doctor even calls them God’s fingerprints because of their amazing power over your health.
And your mitochondria need to replicate perfectly for you to feel young.
Unfortunately, over time, your mitochondria slow down their replication.
As a result, YOU feel more tired.
More run down.

Your mitochondria replication is slowing down in your body right now as you hear this message.
I’ve seen this firsthand in the patients I’ve treated in my nearly 40-year career as a Medical Doctor.
This isn’t your fault. It’s actually a “natural” part of aging.
In fact, it IS aging…
…and here’s how you can tell it’s happening.
Your mitochondria create energy for all your cells.

In fact, almost all the energy in your body comes from your mitochondria

If you’re feeling more tired than you used to… or need to take a nap every afternoon just to get through the day…
…this likely means your mitochondria aren’t replicating as fast as they could.
And you can’t feel young without a steady stream of all-day energy, can you?
Here’s the good news:
There’s finally something you can do about it.
The key is to keep your mitochondria replicating quickly, just like when you were younger.
And it turns out, your body has a natural way to do just that.
When your mitochondria start replicating quickly, your body will start changing in a very good way…
More energy…
Feeling alive
The next time you visit your doctor for a routine checkup, instead of mentioning all the things that are bugging you, you’ll start bragging about how good you feel.
(And don’t worry – this is one situation where bragging is perfectly okay.)
As you just learned, the key is the chemical called roburin.
That’s because roburins trigger your body to make a specific kind of protein…
…that keeps your cells young.
Then, your body will start replacing your old mitochondria with youthful ones.
This process is called Mitochondrial biogenesis. You don’t need to memorize the term. Just understand this is what happens when you ingest roburins. They trigger your cells to get younger.
Now, does this mean you should drink glass after glass of scotch?
I’m not saying that at all. In their groundbreaking paper, the scientists admitted the absorption levels are very low.
But here’s the great news…
Once scientists realized the roburins came from the oak barrels, they went straight to the source in France, called Quercus robur wood.
Many ancient civilizations, from the Greeks to the Celtic Druids, have known about the health-promoting properties of this special tree:


Health Sciences Institute 

ou won't believe what it is...
HSI eAlert

Dear Reader,

Look at this wooden barrel:
Oak Barrel
The secret isn't just hidden inside this barrel...

...but is the barrel itself. Click here to find out what I mean.

This barrel contains a special chemical that makes your cells healthier.

Humans have been accidentally using this secret for centuries...

...and we've finally discovered what it is, which is where things get even more exciting:

In a pair of exciting scientific studies, people achieved a...

30% sharper memory...

44% more restful sleep...

48% more energy...

160% better mood...

Aches and pains reduced by half...

Muscle discomfort lowered almost 63%...

...and even more energy and enhanced sex life...

 Dr. Allan Spreen

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