Friday, January 15, 2021
We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give. - Winston Churchill.
If you can not or do not learn to control your life then you will have wasted all your efforts! We are given a period of time living upon the earth - so use it to help others and make the world a better place for your having been here! Do not spend you time chasing popular and fads which most likely will lead to problems and deteriation of both body and soul!
What does it gain you if you die the richest most popular physacaly able boded person in the entire world - if you have never came to undertand that none of those things will endure in your soul for eternity! Here is the Truth plain and simple.
Stop and think who and what you really are!
God has given each of us a brain and will power to learn how to live the best life available to you! Pray for help and support - it is free and only cost your time and effot.
Stop wasteing your future!