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Wednesday, May 09, 2018
Standard Auto Wire Diagrams
On this page is a how to video some coworkers and I put together. It explains how to find specific automobile wiring diagrams, but more importantly tips on using them to fix complex problems.
You can use this information in solving most electrical car problems you’ll come across. This video is good stuff and worth 6 minutes of your time. I also share with you a method I’ve been using for 30 years. It’s fast, efficient and often locates the problem on the first step.
Although the video views continue to climb we still got a few thumbs down. You can’t please everybody on the internet. However I tried to supply unique and helpful information.
One guy was upset, because I mentioned using a test light instead of a meter. There’s no question that a meter is more accurate and better for diagnosis, but I still own and use a test light for quick checks.
First, not everybody has a meter at home. Second, the bigger point that was missed is the routine of doing what’s comfortable. Now lets get back to the diagram issues.
Facts about Automotive Wiring Diagrams
Electrical Symbols Chart
Before we begin please let me tell you what a wiring diagram won’t do.
Automotive wire diagrams don’t show the actual position of parts or the physical appearance of the components.
Standard wire schematics don’t reveal the length of conductor wire that runs between the particular components shown. A short line on the diagram doesn’t mean a short length of wire on the car.
There are electrical symbols posted on the schematic that will indicate the color of the wire, its thickness or size and other important details about that particular circuit such as connector locations.
Identifying the color of the wire is important for accurate diagnosis. If you test the wrong wire you will go down the wrong branch of the tree chart.
Standard Auto Wire Diagrams
PDF Automotive Wiring Diagrams
The standard labeling system will use the first letter to indicate the base color, and the second letter to indicate the stripe color. An example would be the letters OB.
This represents an orange colored wire with a black tracer stripe. RB is red with a black tracer. Wire repair diagrams can become quite complex.
To avoid this, most troubleshooting manuals will illustrate only one distinct system or circuit at a time.
A horn circuit or turn signal circuit each have a separate distinct electrical schematic. Keep in mind that electrical symbols are not always standardized throughout the automotive industry.
Different manufacturers may have different methods of representing certain components particularly the less common ones.
Always refer to the symbol reference charts on the wire schematics. However, some car makers list these in the beginning of the electrical section in many professional manuals.
How to Use Electrical Troubleshooting Charts
In this video I share the method my electrical instructor taught me. He was an evil genius and his brain flowed like electrons. Most auto mechanics have learned a different method. I think, what is more important is to use a standard procedure and follow it religiously for each electric diagnosis. Sticking to a routine helps you find problems faster.
Do it Yourself Online Automotive Repair Information Click Here.
Bookmark this resource page or share with a friend. Then come back and watch the video again.
Additional Resources for Repairing Cars at Home
Find 3 more instructional videos about how to use online auto service manuals to fix cars right the first time. This next link takes you to my page about online factory auto repair guides. Automotive Diagnostic Chart
Do you require one on one help with your particular electrical problems?
On this website automobile repair help is always available for you.
Testing individual electronic components is not only a valuable skill, but a big part of fixing electrical problems on cars. In my college training classes we sat down with bread boards and learned how to diagnose and repair individual components.
The video has the same goals. You learn about the tools and the proper equipment required for automotive electrical tasks, but more importantly how to decipher the test results.
In addition It includes how to check voltage, resistance, amperage and good stuff about Ohm’s Law. In my opinion it is a clear and concise video with enough attention to detail so the enthusiast understands what this stuff means to the efficient repair of automotive electrical circuits.
Yes, it’s a little weak on the animations and voice over, but If you have an interest in electronics you’ll like it. Both beginners and seasoned professionals looking to sharpen some skills I think you’ll benefit from watching it.
Find out what else is available on this auto repair website on the Homepage for YouFixCars.com. You can also learn more about the car mechanic that created this information portal.
# posted by Kerminator @ Wednesday, May 09, 2018 0 comments
Finding Auto shorts EZ
Automotive Electrical Terms Explained
Common Automotive Electrical Terms
Understanding automotive electrical terms helps you better understand how we use electricity in modern-day automobiles. Comprehending each individual term and its definition will aid in diagnosis of complex electrical systems. It also makes everyone in the shop think your smart. Knowing what the symbols look like also helps.
The first term to discuss is electrical current. This is the movement or the flow of electricity. The greater the number of electrons flowing past a given point in a given amount of time, the more current the circuit has.
The unit of measuring electrical current is Amps. It’s credited to Andre Ampere who studied the relationship between electricity and magnetism. The instrument used to measure electrical current flow in a circuit is called an ammeter. Automotive meters include this testing function.
In the flow of electricity millions of electrons are moving past a given point at the speed of light. The electrical charge of one electron is extremely small. It takes millions of electrons to make a measurable charge.
For these reasons one amp of current means that 6.28 billion electrons are flowing past this point in one second. There are two types of current. Direct current or DC, and also alternating current or AC. With direct current the electrons flow in one direction only.
In alternating current the electrons change direction at a fixed rate forming a wave pattern. Typically an automobile uses AC from the alternator converted to direct current for charging the battery. This conversion is done internally by the bridge rectifier. Then automotive engineers use the direct current to supply power to the important automobile systems. Most automotive meters measure both types of current flow.
Electrical Terminology for Automobiles
Automotive test meter
Voltage is electrical pressure. Voltage does not flow like current. It is actually the pressure that causes the current to flow. To have current flow some force is needed to move the electrons down the wiring.
This force or pressure within an electrical circuit can also be referred to as electromotive force. This electrical pressure is measured in units called Volts. 1V is the amount of pressure required to move 1 amp of current through a resistance of 1 ohm.
Again an automotive meter has you covered for measuring voltage found in automobile circuits. An instrument called a voltmeter measures the voltage. People named the unit of measurement for electrical pressure after Alessandro Volta, who in 1800s made the first electrical battery.
When any substance flows it meets resistance. Mechanics can measure the resistance of electrical flow. We call this unit of measured resistance Ohms.
We credit a German mathematics professor named George Ohm with the discovery of resistance principles. A common symbol for an ohm looks like a horseshoe. Resistance is measured by an ohmmeter.
This is why the standard automotive electrical tester is called a multi-meter. Yes, this one tool can measure voltage, amps, and resistance or ohms. Nevertheless, this is one of the most commonly used testers when performing any automobile system diagnosis.
The equus automotive meter comes with a instruction booklet that explains exactly how to use the tool. The model 3340 is the top of the line. It comes with an inductive rpm pickup. The next step down is the 3320. At about half the price for just the standalone meter. Practice makes perfect as the more time you spend with a meter in your hand the more comfortable you’ll be performing diagnosis with it.
Definition of Automotive Electrical Terms
When performing do-it-yourself car repair being a scientist or an electrical engineer is not a necessity. However, understanding the three most commonly used terms above will certainly aid in diagnosis and repair of automotive systems.
When following a standard auto repair diagram they will provide instructions to take voltage readings, resistance measurements and in some cases amperage readings.
The results from the various tests are compared to the factory specifications. Any results that are not within the specified range will indicate a failure or malfunction of that system.
Here is a typical example common on cars and trucks. Let’s say you have set a throttle position sensor code. One of the steps in diagnosis is to check for a 5 V reference signal at the sensor.
If there is no 5 V reference at the sensor chances are the TPS is okay.
Replacing the sensor will not solve the issue. More importantly, this gives you a clear path of diagnosis as a failure on the 5 V reference signal circuit. However, following a wiring diagram for this circuit on your specific vehicle eventually uncovers the problem.
Diagnosis and repair of electronics is very important for Diy car mechanics. This next link takes you to more articles about auto electrical systems.
Let me show you a short video that showcases a great method for diagnosing complex electrical problems using automotive wiring diagrams.