Saturday, September 22, 2018


Friednships are fleeting

Having been there and done that is advice from my experience:

This is an note I posted on FB, read enjoy, learn and adjust your position to make the best out of whatever in on you plate or pathway, be it good or bad is my device, for sanity and balance. because Eternity looms ahead!

Friendship here on FB is somewhat like sailing on a large ship - where there thousands of people coming around you {some you know and others you meet and greet} yet over time the actual number of friends changes. Some new people come as others fad away.

This does not ignore the fellowship past and present, yet it does show how dynamic the inter relationship is in the world! So learn how to meet, greet, and then say good by as times passes. 

We are in an ever changing world. The sooner you learn this fact the better for all of us.
We are in this earthly journey together and should be expressing love and condcern for our neighbors

To those whom I have interfaced and met both on FB and in person, thank you for the experience no matter how brief. We should value these encounters with both an open Heart and a firm respect for those whom God has placed upon our pathway of life.

Thank you to all who came and went and I must say if you left on anger or doubt may God Bless your efforts to seek the truth is all I ask!

It is much like riding a bus traveling across country, some get on for a while, others get off but the trip is not as much about the trip as it is about the fellowship on the journey! 

Thank You to all I have met and interfaced with over the years!

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