Sunday, February 23, 2014


Other people's money!!

 Wake up America!
 The problem with re-distribution of wealth is that eventually the government runs out of other people's money. This is the true face of socialism.

This is a wake up call for the USA!

Just look at the recent history of Venezuela; where you will see how it has degraded the past fifteen years or so from a rich country to a Socialist wasteland!

If we in the US do not change our present political course then the same type failed result will happen!! Believe it - it can happen!

Go read the past 100 years of world history... Notice how more than 200 out of the 257 countries in the world have continued to waste the resources of their citizens through total government control! Like Russia, China, Cambodia, Laos, Cuba and hundreds  of other countries have gone down this one way dead end road to failure and defeat!  {Now some will say things do not look so bad today in Russia, Cuba, or China; but then you have not gotten the whole picture of the distress and grief in all  these} ...   You have to look past the Mass media propaganda and political Fluff...   Even WWII germany, Japan, and Italy fit into this political profile of total control governments running & ruining peoples lives...  

They do or did not allow Free Thought, or Free Choice, or Free competition, or Freedom of Religion, or Free elections, or Freedom of speech, or Freedom to bear Arms, or Freedom to move or hold a different job or Freedom to attempt to develop or make new things... etc!!

So why are we allowing this to happen here in the present day USA?

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