Monday, April 20, 2009
How to not tell the real Truth!
« on: Today at 01:16:14 »
" we will not raise taxes on 95% of Americans!" Yet the new "Green" Obama supports maybe just doubling your electric power bill over night! But, hey that is not a "Tax"! HUH!!
No matter what you call it when the government gets or takes money from it's citizens, it is a tax... It may be direct as sales, or the so called fair income tax (Ha Ha), or the these transparent or back door taxes like the Corporate tax, and then this new regulation {read below for full story}...
BTW: Corporations and regulations get paid by guess who; ya, you got it the end user or the citizen with a job! When are the American people going to wake up and see the truth? maybe never! HUH!
Lets look at some things folks:
{ I will try to get it down on a 8th grade level; which is where most of the mass media plays}
1) If you want to stop doing something, like reducing carbon emissions, or taking undesirable drugs, etc, just STOP IT! But is this what they do? Nooo, They continue to allow the thing or activity to go on as long as you pay a fee or tax; i.e. like selling phony "Carbon Credits" ...
Please tell me how you can sell something that first does not exist {carbon credits}, then pawn it off as beneficial; all the while continuing the same so called forbidden activity? Major countries still producing carbon emissions! Nothing changed, HUH!
2) "No matter how you cut the pie there is only so much to go around!" a True-ism So how are we saving any carbon emissions if all you do is look at some less industrial undeveloped countries; and say they do not produce any or have many carbon emissions, which on paper could be sold to Industrial carbon producing countries as credits? Did the total emissions change? NO! There is still the same amount of carbon emissions in the world, all you did was make some people rich thinking up this stupid idea! What a joke and most everyone is going along with the it!
BTW: This just like the so called "War on Drugs" or many other government operations; is a feeble attempt at best! The only real way to change the destructive habits or issues at hand, is to change the hearts and minds of the people involved! Taxes are worse than beating children with a rod or whip, because it is a mass application which punishes all those involved, not just those few targeted, plus seldom are many or any taxes ever removed... Yet the government calls this fair and a level playing field!
The Waxman-Markey bill is a piece of cruel, legislative genius. It will generate between $500 billion to $1 trillion per year in new revenue for the Federals – an amount roughly equal to all of the income taxes collected each year. But it's not a direct tax. It generates revenue by requiring power companies and other large emitters of carbon dioxide to bid for "credits" that will allow them to produce carbon emissions.
OBAMA! will tell the public it's not a tax – it's just new regulation. Or he'll say it's a new market for carbon credits. It will not violate OBAMA!'s pledge not to raise taxes on 95% of Americans – as if those power companies won't simply pass along the new expense to their customers. All of the poor fools cheering OBAMA! believe they can continue to get something for nothing through him. Well, they're going to get what they deserve. Let's see how much they like their electricity bills doubling overnight.
Did you notice this regulation or hidden - transparent tax will collect more than all the income taxes collected in a year... So why don't they just do away with the present Tax system and vote in the "Fair Tax" and save every tax paying citizen the effort and expense? That would be too simple! HUH!!
To those of you who recognize the Truth; But yes, you are correct while the idea of being green is over all good, most of the stuff that is being pushed by government is crap and it is all about the money...
If everyone {mainly gov't & mass media} were as concerned as they say; then why not let free interprise function then the improvments would happen... Not be tax and direct!
God allows all people a free agency; with which to choose their life then live with the consequences... The other side wants total control; with directives and taxes to use as they see fit!
This is where the new green movement has been hijacked; so now the government and big money are driving the bus now...
Stay tuned for the rest of the the truth on what is happening on the green front!
See Ya; Kermit
« on: Today at 01:16:14 »
" we will not raise taxes on 95% of Americans!" Yet the new "Green" Obama supports maybe just doubling your electric power bill over night! But, hey that is not a "Tax"! HUH!!
No matter what you call it when the government gets or takes money from it's citizens, it is a tax... It may be direct as sales, or the so called fair income tax (Ha Ha), or the these transparent or back door taxes like the Corporate tax, and then this new regulation {read below for full story}...
BTW: Corporations and regulations get paid by guess who; ya, you got it the end user or the citizen with a job! When are the American people going to wake up and see the truth? maybe never! HUH!
Lets look at some things folks:
{ I will try to get it down on a 8th grade level; which is where most of the mass media plays}
1) If you want to stop doing something, like reducing carbon emissions, or taking undesirable drugs, etc, just STOP IT! But is this what they do? Nooo, They continue to allow the thing or activity to go on as long as you pay a fee or tax; i.e. like selling phony "Carbon Credits" ...
Please tell me how you can sell something that first does not exist {carbon credits}, then pawn it off as beneficial; all the while continuing the same so called forbidden activity? Major countries still producing carbon emissions! Nothing changed, HUH!
2) "No matter how you cut the pie there is only so much to go around!" a True-ism So how are we saving any carbon emissions if all you do is look at some less industrial undeveloped countries; and say they do not produce any or have many carbon emissions, which on paper could be sold to Industrial carbon producing countries as credits? Did the total emissions change? NO! There is still the same amount of carbon emissions in the world, all you did was make some people rich thinking up this stupid idea! What a joke and most everyone is going along with the it!
BTW: This just like the so called "War on Drugs" or many other government operations; is a feeble attempt at best! The only real way to change the destructive habits or issues at hand, is to change the hearts and minds of the people involved! Taxes are worse than beating children with a rod or whip, because it is a mass application which punishes all those involved, not just those few targeted, plus seldom are many or any taxes ever removed... Yet the government calls this fair and a level playing field!
The Waxman-Markey bill is a piece of cruel, legislative genius. It will generate between $500 billion to $1 trillion per year in new revenue for the Federals – an amount roughly equal to all of the income taxes collected each year. But it's not a direct tax. It generates revenue by requiring power companies and other large emitters of carbon dioxide to bid for "credits" that will allow them to produce carbon emissions.
OBAMA! will tell the public it's not a tax – it's just new regulation. Or he'll say it's a new market for carbon credits. It will not violate OBAMA!'s pledge not to raise taxes on 95% of Americans – as if those power companies won't simply pass along the new expense to their customers. All of the poor fools cheering OBAMA! believe they can continue to get something for nothing through him. Well, they're going to get what they deserve. Let's see how much they like their electricity bills doubling overnight.
Did you notice this regulation or hidden - transparent tax will collect more than all the income taxes collected in a year... So why don't they just do away with the present Tax system and vote in the "Fair Tax" and save every tax paying citizen the effort and expense? That would be too simple! HUH!!
To those of you who recognize the Truth; But yes, you are correct while the idea of being green is over all good, most of the stuff that is being pushed by government is crap and it is all about the money...
If everyone {mainly gov't & mass media} were as concerned as they say; then why not let free interprise function then the improvments would happen... Not be tax and direct!
God allows all people a free agency; with which to choose their life then live with the consequences... The other side wants total control; with directives and taxes to use as they see fit!
This is where the new green movement has been hijacked; so now the government and big money are driving the bus now...
Stay tuned for the rest of the the truth on what is happening on the green front!
See Ya; Kermit