Sunday, November 04, 2018
The KISS principle
The KISS principle
** a student of history and of course the Bible my perspective is based upon " love your neighbor " principles. Having been an engineer, following logical and truthful ways - my Modus Operandi has guided me well. **Date: 11/4/2018
To all my friends and those who read or follow my posts:
While I do not make often contact you personally - please know that I think about you. I read, write and post on the truth or some of the altercations with it because of my upbringing. {Raised in Dixie}
We were taught to respect others {it does not mean to surrender your values} and to make where ever you are a better place for having been there.
It seems that so much of the world has become self-centered and domineering.
As an avid reader {reading can aid you in finding the truth and lead to a better way of life} plus a student of history and of course the Bible my perspective is based upon " love your neighbor " principles. Having been an engineer, following logical and truthful ways - my Modus Operandi has guided me well.
Therefore I have a low tolerance for blatant and gross ignorance and intolerance! I have always attempted to learn and apply a solution to most ration problems in life. The modern course of thinking seems to flow only in the way of popular. But without reason and some compromise popular things tend to fail and lead many in false ways.
Much of the consternation I see in the world today is based upon mainly (3) three things:
1) Gross ignorance or the lack of properly applied facts. Knowledge does no good if you do not have all the real facts at your disposal.
2) Hasty generalization and being too quick to misjudge things.
3) The lack of good moral judgment and logical application leads to falsehoods and problems.
The last 100 years has led to many new things - yet most have been distorted and bent into money makers for the Controllers.
This has worked due to lack of proper knowledge and the prevalent operation of Greed on the part of many of the leadership.
Complexity has been a prime distraction and failed the general public in the world! I try to follow the KISS principle which is:
Keep it simple stupid! Some have asked me if am calling them stupid
{All of us are actually stupid in many things} - to which I reply "no I am stupid so I want it simple! " Keep it simple!
Complexity has caused many problems and covered up a great number of schemes for the Controllers of the world!
** Will write later check back as we look at the hectic life many live in the modern world!
Will post on one or more of my blogs.