Friday, April 17, 2015


God's Guidelines - Part 2

Why do people rant about what is sin?
**   sin is the act of violating God's will.
 Sin can also be viewed as anything that violates the ideal relationship between an individual and God; or as any diversion from the ideal order for human living. To sin has been defined as "to miss the mark"
Sins of careless living are considered destructive and lead to greater sins. Another concept of sin deals with things that exist on Earth but not in Heaven.

Most if not all sins or actions which are destructive or wrong bring Grief in this world - 
  are the result of " Self centeredness "  ... 

   ***  Some of the recent news had some of the LGB groups demanding that some of the actions they participate in which are sinful - so therefore they want the church to remove it from Bible. 
This is just plain " If I want to do it - then it has got to be OKAY "  {self centeredness} 

BTW: The Christian Church {the body of believers} did not write the Holy Bible; Almighty God did!
Sin is action of violating the Will of God! 

  It is not selective or something to vote upon...     God's laws are here to help show you the way!

Therefore this ranting is about personal desires and the want for a wayward  selfish life style.


How does sin come into people's lives? 

- First it appears as a thought from either something seen or maybe heard {Demonic Spirits continually attempt to plant evil destructive element in our minds - there is a battlefield in your mind} ....

- Next we (you) must come to desire or pursue it -   this is where you justify  it..

- Finally once it is accepted and thought to be allowable or personally gratifying  - the final step is to engage or perform the action!  =  {SIN}  

This is the pathway of sin in a persons life - it is a choice and whatever is wrong if still wrong even though you may come to think otherwise...  Therefore it is a planned choice! 


Some examples as with the LGG agenda are :
Jul 03, 2014 ยท Author claims the reason why many LGB people believe homosexuality and bisexuality is not being born that way...  gay is a choice, ..

Yes, gay is a choice. Get over it.

According to Peter Schmidt in the Chronicle of Higher Education, yet another individual working in higher education has been demolished for saying the wrong thing about homosexuality.  The basis on which to define people as "anti-gay" has, however, taken a turn to the absurd (and eerie). 
Unlike Angela McCaskill, who was nearly fired from Gallaudet University for signing a petition on gay marriage, Crystal Dixon of the University of Toledo was fired for writing an editorial in a local newspaper.  She referred to Exodus and mentioned people who chose to leave the gay lifestyle.

For this column I will stick to the gay male angle, since I have but 1,200 words.  Even if we accepted, for argument's sake (which I do not accept), that McCaskill was "anti-gay" because she signed a petition, the case against Dixon is based purely on wild assumptions about sex.  To fire Dixon, one must accept that gay men cannot stop themselves from having anal sex or engaging in fellatio.  Without anal sex or fellatio, it would seem that a gay couple is tough to distinguish from roommates who like to kiss each other once in a while.

These assumptions bestialize and infantilize gay men.  While I have tired of penning editorials about gay controversies, the situation is dire.  I feel compelled to write a column once again emphasizing a basic reality: gay sex is a choice. 
 Nobody lacks the power to refrain from having gay sex.  Get.  Over.  It.

Dixon said that gays had the choice to leave the lifestyle (in other words, stop engaging in anal sex and fellatio).  According to her detractors, such was tantamount to being anti-gay.  Her detractors are following the lead of the Southern Poverty Law Center, which lists "conversion therapy" as a hate crime.

*** {The blog author believes that there is no such thing as real hate crime  - because all crime against another is not done in love therefore all crime is hate...  Have you get it yet!}


You should begin to understand what is the real truth and who is putting out the false crap...

 There are many GLHBT (whatever) - who have met Jesus and repented by deciding to get out of the destructive sinful relationship and changed because they choose to change  - therefore it shows how people can get out of sinful ways...   
BTW: this goes for all types of sin - Dope, Gambling,  Prostitution, Abortion, Stealing,  just to list some -
 each and every person knows what is right - { because our conscience dictates it in our soul and mind but we often choose to ignore it } and plus all the other ways people harm both themselves and others...  

Example: stealing CD's from WalMart is wrong; robbing Banks is wrong, Rape is wrong, Burning down other people's houses is wrong, lying is wrong, premeditated Murder is wrong, Beating  people is wrong, and the list goes on...   

 Wrong is wrong!    And you know it!

 Sin just lays out what is wrong to help you get it right the first time Folks..

 Sin is sin and it is a choice...   Plain and simple! 

So reevaluate your life and start living so that you build and help to share the good of God in lives...

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