Thursday, December 11, 2014


Decreasing Lifespan/Increasing Death Rate:

Decreasing Lifespan/Increasing Death Rate: 
The 85+ year age group numbers peaked in 2003 and began phasing out in 2004, and many are now dying in their 60s, 50s & 40s. The official numbers show the 85+ numbers increasing significantly starting in 2005, to conceal the phasing out of this age group and to make it appear lifespan is increasing. The lower age group deaths are now increasing significantly, although the official numbers show little change.
The illusion of increasing lifespan: As death rate increases, the 85+ age group deaths increase, thereby increasing the average age at death*; making it appear lifespan is increasing,
but only temporarily until phasing out significantly.

Death trends by age groups can be observed in the death statistics for Blacks and American Indians, who are further along in the extermination schedule, and may have reached the life-critical iron levels & copper status before the 1980's.  This explains why American Indians and Blacks had historically a shorter average lifespan. All groups are now undergoing the final phase of extermination, with the average lifespan estimated (conservative) at 70 years, a decrease of 5 years in approximately 9-10 years time.
As mentioned previously, the lower age groups of particularly the 40-64 years have increased significantly in the current stage of extermination: Reporting by national sources in October 2008, Baby Boomer Deaths Could Fuel Funeral Industry, indicated that many of the baby boomers, born between the years 1946 - 1964, are scheduled for extermination in the decade, 2009 - 2018. (Note that MMR Measles vaccine parasite implantation began with this age group.) The article also indicates the overall average national death rate is expected to increase from 8.1 to 10.9. Since the report is using understated death rates, the actual death rate could be expected to reach well beyond 15. The death rate appears to have steadily increased since 1980 and as of December 2013, is estimated to be 15. -- data in this chart are estimations only. These are indicators that not only is the population not increasing in numbers as we have been led to believe, but is in fact decreasing.  (Note: death rates, total death numbers, death numbers by age group for 2005 and later are fraudulent.)

The 45+ age group is used in calculating the average age at death due to chronic iron poisoning:  to exclude infant deaths, most external causes of death that typically occur under the age of 45, and deaths due to acute virulent disease. (Note that official reported total death numbers & numbers by age group starting in 2005 are invalid -- fraudulent.)

Death numbers for the 0-44 yr age groups are high in the first and mid part of the 20th century due to a much higher birth rate & infant mortality rate, and acute virulent disease; resulting in a much higher death rate for the overall population. Although inhalation and body fluids may account for some transmission, it is likely disease causing parasites (“viruses”) were propagated through the food and water supply. Just as the chemical poisons have been carefully managed, so have the biological poisons. Disease manifested in the population on a mass scale ahead of and in preparation for the vaccine fraud. Although infant deaths were much higher in earlier years, as of February 2007 reporting, the fetal deaths number about 1 million per year. Note that 2006 was the year the final phase of extermination was set-up.

Factors for deaths across a wide spectrum of age groups (excluding external causes): variable individual copper depletion and iron accumulation rate, immunizations, copper status of ancestors upon settlement in the U.S. traced to area and country of origin, and different population reduction (poisoning) schedules by area and state in the U.S.. The initial poisoning apparently started before colonization began (and "evolution theory" fraud evolved) and traces back to the country or area of origin.

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