Tuesday, June 02, 2009


Stages of men

Stages of men's life by kerminator .....

Every male young or old finds himself on a great journey, though which few find their destiny and purpose!

Date: 6/2/2009 07:35:33

"There are certain stages that should be lived by all men." a True-ism
While the opportunity is there for all men; many either do not choose or never really take the effort to become the man their were meant to be! How and why does this happen?

It is usually because there is not a knowledgeable father figure in the life of a boy! Especially in the more modern generation... HUH!

The traditional way of the young men learning the ways of life from the elders is almost past into the history books... We are in an instant generation mode now a days... Instant messaging, instant adventure, instant foods, instant gratification to mention a few... People just do not want to take time to learn the reason for their lives today! Sad but true!

So in many parts of the world we have uninitiated men, who are lost in the realm of manhood!

It all goes back to the fact that masculinity in never completed, if it ever began... The boy was never taken down the pathway of becoming a full man... This reflects not only in the family unit, but in the society as a whole... This is exactly why many males today are unfinished men!

Masculinity is actually a on going journey, an adventure, a process which unfolds over a lifetime.

As men we were never meant to try and figure everything out on our own... We were created to develop and grow into the valiant warrior, king, lover, father figure ourselves in the course of our life! We do not need to wander in the wilderness as it were, or stumble in the fog...

Starting with the boy we were created to proceed in steps, learning as God ordained us the stages of masculine development... This was woven into the very fabric of our being etched as it were into our soul!

There goes out a call for the unfinished men, to seek and rediscover the stages of masculinity and to come to honor and learn to rise our sons through them!

We will be covering this to aid men to find the pathway of masculinity needed by many in their life today. This is an on going process...

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